Zinc is an essential trace element and a cofactor in more than 300 endogenous biochemical reactions. It plays a role in DNA and RNA synthesis, which is significant for tissue repair. Zinc also has antibacterial effects; deficiencies have been associated with microbial infections, intestinal inflammation, delayed wound healing, and impaired immune system function.
Zinc-carnosine is an artificially produced derivative of carnosine in which a zinc ion and carnosine are bound in a 1-to-1 ratio to create a chelate compound. It has been used in Japan since 1994 for gastritis, gastric ulcers, and dyspepsia symptoms. It appears that the combination chelate is 3 times more effective than each of the ingredients alone.
L-carnosine is naturally present in muscle and nerve cells and is thought to have antioxidant properties. It also appears to help transport the zinc-carnosine to the site of ulceration, where it adheres to the gastric mucosa and provides its protective effects against damaging agents. It is also thought that zinc-carnosine remains in the gastric juice without immediately being destroyed, thus allowing it time to provide its tissue-healing effects.
Other potential uses for zinc-carnosine include preventing nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)–induced gut permeability (leaky gut), suggesting a small intestinal protective effect. The use of zinc-carnosine is especially beneficial to heal leaky gut caused by a variety of other factors.
Zinc-carnosine is a unique product that appears to enhance the stomach’s mucosal defenses, providing significant improvements in gastric ulcer patients. It also supports small intestinal mucosal integrity and inhibits the inflammatory response, which can prove beneficial for those with gastroesophageal reflux.
Take Away
Zinc-carnosine protects the lining of your throat, stomach, small and large intestines. If you have reflux, gastritis, leaky gut, celiac, chrons, colitis, or IB, this supplement, along with dietary changes, would greatly benefit your condition.