Posted on October 3, 2011
Quercetin is a bioflavonoid that comes from the common onion. Like all bioflavonoids, it has its own particular job, namely decreasing inflammation, specifically in the intestinal tract. It can inhibit the release of histamine, reduce eosinophilia (a particular white blood cell of our immune system that reacts to allergies), and it inhibits release of pro-inflammatory mediators.
In conditions such as; leaky gut (a result of prolonged irritation and inflammation in the intestinal tract), inflammatory bowel disease and chronic diarrhea, quercetin inhibits the allergic reaction, therefore reducing the inflammation that occurs in response.
Obviously we can’t eat an onion everyday, especially a raw one – and it would have to be raw because as we know bioflavonoids, just like vitamins, are destroyed by heat. There are quality quercetin supplements out there. You just need to read the label to make sure it is the proper strength, and that it is pure with nothing else added which could cause further irritation.
For my patients’ convenience (and health!) I carry a variety of quercetin supplements, so when in doubt come and talk to me. I will help you choose the right one for you.