Not only for the environment but for anyone that breaths the air. Since when did ‘clean’ have a smell? In my mind, clean is the absence of smell, like cloths that were hung outside to dry, Nothing in nature smells like Pine-Sol, or Irish Spring. If you can smell it, then you've absorbed it either through breathing it, or putting it on your skin. All of it is toxic for our bodies!!
My pet peeve is smelling scented dryer sheets, when I am outside, away from my house.
Isn't that like polluting the fresh air outside, by making it smell like the fake smells inside? Ever walked into a public bathroom with those "air freshener" toilet cakes and you can about taste that smell? Not to mention, you smell like those things for several minutes after walking out.
Maybe you've sat next to someone who has strong perfume on, and you start to get a headache or feel sick? When you breath in those toxic perfume chemicals, your body responds as if it's being poisoned, which it is. Unfortunately our Olfactory Nerve (provides our sense of smell) shuts down when under attack by strong smells. This makes us think we've just gotten used to the smell, which our nose has, but our body continues to absorb the toxins.
When chemicals get absorbed into your body it causes some of our genes to work overtime (like those involved with the bodies detoxification process) which then affects these same genes by causing them to dysfunction, resulting in even more serious health issues.
We are bombarded with environmental toxins everyday, but we can minimize the exposure, at least in our homes. If it has a strong scent get rid of it because its seriously affecting yours, and your families future health