Posted on June 13, 2012
Remember those goals you set on New Year’s Eve about losing weight and getting in shape for summer…well, summer is just about here. How are you doing? Have you reached your goals or are you still working on them? If you’re still trying to get there, and need more help, here are a few tips to help you achieve your goals faster and be healthier!
Clean out your refrigerator and pantry. Get rid of the avoids and stick to your beneficial foods within the Eat Right 4 Your Type Diet.
Watch your portion sizes. We tend to overestimate the amount of food we really need. One strategy that I like is using a smaller plate—this helps you eat less food naturally.
Don’t eat after 8pm. Try to eat earlier so that your body has a chance to digest and metabolize food before bedtime. Now that the days are a bit longer, try going out for a walk after dinner—better yet, get a walking buddy and connect with a friend while getting some exercise.
Plan your meals in advance. Create “a dinner deck.” This would include 10 favorite quick and healthful dinners written on index cards. Each card should list the ingredients for the recipe on one side and directions for making it on the other.
Cut out liquid calories. Eliminate soda and sugary drinks such as sweetened iced tea, sports drinks and alcoholic beverages. Liven up the taste of water by adding lemon, lime or mint. Drink unsweetened iced green tea for the antioxidants.
Get plenty of sleep. Scientists have found that sleep deprivation increases levels of a hunger hormone and decreases levels of a hormone that makes you feel full. The effects may lead to overeating and weight gain.
Dine at a table. Eat from a plate while seated at a table. Don’t eat while driving, lounging on the couch or standing at the fridge.
Reward yourself. When you meet your incremental weight loss goals, say losing 5 pounds, treat yourself to something—but not food. Buy a CD or DVD you’ve been wanting or go out to a movie with a friend.