Posted on May 3, 2015
In today's world it is very important to be informed, and proactive about cancer, so what you’re about to read here is worth sharing.
It is an everyday standard for the majority of people to put on a deodorant without giving it a thought. If you use a brand that contains aluminum, you’re increasing the risk factors for breast cancer. Antiperspirants work by clogging or obstructing the pores that discharge sweat under your arms — and this is accomplished by using aluminum. Not only does this inhibit one of your body’s normal courses of detoxing, by eliminating toxins through your sweat gland, but it also raises a concern about where these metals end up after they have been on your skin for a while. More recent studies have demonstrated a connection between breast cancer and consistent utilization of deodorants, and the risk increases if you apply them right after shaving. In the past we thought deodorants were far safer than antiperspirants, but now there is a link with parabens (used in many deodorants) and an increased risk of breast cancer. This substance has shown to accumulate in breast tissue.

How Can Bras Cause Breast Cancer?
Wearing a tight-fitting bra can cut off lymph drainage which over time may help the advancement of breast cancer because your body is then compromised, and less prepared to discharge all the poisons you’re exposed to throughout the day. Aluminum from deodorants is one conceivably risky wellspring of poisons that can collect, if your lymph waste is debilitated.
A couple of robust studies have been done on bra wearing and breast tumors. The most convincing one was completed by therapeutic anthropologists Sydney Singer and Soma Grismaijer — creators of Dressed to Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras. The investigation of in excess of 4,000 ladies found that ladies who don’t wear bras have a much lower incidence of breast cancer. I am certain the risk increases ten fold if you have the habit of carrying your cell phone in your bra (more common than you think).
Their discoveries included:
Women who wore their bras 24 hours every day had a 3 out of 4 shot of developing breast cancer
Those who wore a bra >12 hour every day, but not when going to sleep, had a 1 out of 7 increase
Women who wore their bras <12 hours every day had a 1 out of 52 danger
Those who seldom or never wore a bra had a 1 out of 168 shot of getting breast cancer
Women who wore their bras 24 hours a day versus those who obviously grew up in the 60’s and do not wear bras, had a 125-fold risk of breast cancer. In light of the results found in this study, the correlation in the midrange of wearing a bra and the risk of cancer is around three times more likely than the connection between cigarette smoking and cancer.
Despite the fact that this study did not control for other danger variables, which could have skewed their results, different studies have discovered comparable convincing connections.
Case in point, a gathering of Japanese analysts found that wearing a bra can lower your levels of melatonin by 60 percent. The hormone melatonin is involved with the regulation of your sleep cycles, and various studies have demonstrated that melatonin has anti-cancer activities.
There have been numerous studies on a possible link between dry cleaning chemicals, and a rise in the incidence of breast cancer in middle class women.
There are more common risk factors of which most of us are aware of, but the ones I have mentioned are not only controllable, but a choice. So ladies, life has come full circle and it’s time to Burn your Bras again or, just toss those cute little sleeping bras the fashion industry likes to push. Just remember these are merely risk factors, so moderation is the key here.